Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Hello out there. I am a Girl Scout leader. I have been some kind of  leader for 3 years now (assistant and now head) and I am just starting on my fourth year. I started my daughter in scouts when she was in kindergarten as a Daisy. We had been looking forward to it for a while, because our school district had a pre-k program. We had seen other girls who were scouts and she knew she wanted to join.
I remember the day that we signed up. In a dingy library basement. There were so many red flags that day that I just ignored because my little one had a gleam in her eye. "I am going to be a Daisy!" she said all excited. I should have packed her up right then and there and ran but I didn't. I stayed and signed her up and did the silliest thing I could think of.... I signed myself up as well.
I started off by telling the leader, sure I will volunteer, but I want as little responsibility as possible. I watched her and the girls struggle and I jumped in. Looking back, I probably over stepped my boundaries. Eventually I lead a meeting and I have done it every Tuesday since then.
This has been a journey and a learning experience that I would like to share with other crazy scout moms out there. And really it would just be nice to know that I am not the only one out there feeling these things.  I found that my community of local Girl Scout troops to be lacking, our council to be unhelpful and I scratch my head thinking, this is not what scouting is about.
It is not all bad though. I love my girls. I have a few who I think will be life long scouts. I love camping and showing them new things. If it were not for these little smiling faces every week, I think I would have lost my mind 3 years ago!

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